Power Brakes SA Pty Ltd

1750 68-72

Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1972

Showing 15 products

Alfa GTV1300 1750 Brake Master Cylinder 22.23mm ( .875 )

Alfa GTV1300 1750 Brake Master Cylinder 7/8 (22.23mm). Sleeved Master Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.

Brake Master Cylinder Bonaldi 7/8 (22.23mm) Bore DiameterAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1972NOTE: Sleeved master cylinders are done as jobs only. You need to post, courier or deliver your old master cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972


Alfa GTV 1300 1750 Brake Master Cylinder Repair Kit ( .875 )

Brake Master Cylinder Repair Kit 7/8 Bore Diameter

Brake Master Cylinder Repair Kit 7/8 or 22.2mm Bore DiameterAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972


Alfa GTV Bristol Bonaldi Power Brake Booster

Lockheed Hydravac Power Brake

Bonaldi Hydravac Power BrakeAlfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976 Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 Bristol 405 1953 to 1958All Years 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1968 1969 1970 1971Please Note: Booster to be done as job only. You need to post your booster to us for prompt guaranteed restoration


Alfa Romeo GTV Clutch Master Cylinder 17.45mm Diam ( .687 )

Clutch Master Cylinder Assembly 17.45mm Diam ( 11/16 ). Sleeved Brake Master Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.

Clutch Master Cylinder Assembly 17.45mm Diam ( 11/16 ) Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Please Note. Sleeved Brake Master Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.


Alfa Romeo GTV Clutch Master Cylinder Bonaldi 19mm ( 3-4 )

Clutch Master Cylinder Bonaldi 3/4 (19mm) . Sleeved Master Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.

Clutch Master Cylinder Bonaldi 3/4 (19mm) Bore DiameterAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1972NOTE: Sleeved master cylinders are done as jobs only. You need to post, courier or deliver your old master cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972


Alfa GTV 1300 1750 Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit 19mm ( .750 )

Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit 3/4 Bore Diameter

Clutch Master Cylinder Repair Kit 3/4 or 19.05mm Bore DiameterAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1972Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972


GTV 1750 Clutch Master Repair Kit 17.45mm Diam ( .687 )

Clutch Master Repair Kit 17.45mm Diam ( 11/16 )

Clutch Master Repair Kit 17.45mm Diam ( 11/16 )Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 Suits Master Cylinder CN100650All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976


Alfa GTV 1300 1750 Clutch Slave Cylinder 25.4mm Diam ( 1.00 )

Clutch Slave Cylinder 1 inch 25.4mm Bore Diameter. Sleeved Clutch Slave Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration."

Clutch Slave Cylinder 1 inch 25.4mm Bore DiameterAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1972 Please Note Sleeved Clutch Slave Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration."


Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 Clutch Slave Cylinder Assembly 25.4mm

Clutch Slave Cylinder Assembly 25.4mm Diam ( 1.00 ). Sleeved Clutch Slave Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.

Clutch Slave Cylinder Assembly 25.4mm Diam ( 1.00 )Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Please Note: Sleeved Clutch Slave Cylinder to be done as job only. You need to post your cylinder to us for prompt guaranteed stainless restoration.


GTV 1300 1750 2000 Clutch Slave Cylinder Repair Kit 25.4mm ( 1.00 )

Clutch Slave Cylinder Repair Kit 25.4mm Diam ( 1.00 )

Clutch Slave Cylinder Repair Kit 25.4mm Diam ( 1.00 )Alfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to1972Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1972Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976


Alfa GTV 1300 1750 2000 Front Caliper 48mm

Front Brake Disc Caliper ATE Dual Piston 48mm Diameter. Calipers to be done as job only. You need to post your calipers to us for prompt guaranteed restoration.

Front Brake Disc Caliper ATE Dual Piston 48mm DiameterAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1972Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976Please Note: Calipers to be done as job only. You need to post your calipers to us for prompt guaranteed restoration


GTV Mondial Front Disc Caliper Repair Kit Dual Piston 48mm

Front Disc Caliper Repair Kit Dual Piston 48mm Diameter

Front Disc Caliper Repair Kit ATE Dual Piston 48mm DiameterFerrari Mondial 1981 to 1993 Disc/DiscAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1972 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976


Alfa Romeo GTV Rear Disc Brake Caliper 38mm Diam

Rear Disc Brake Caliper 38mm Diam. Calipers to be done as job only. You need to post your calipers to us for prompt guaranteed restoration

Rear Disc Brake Caliper 38mm DiamAlfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 GTV 2000 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Please Note: Calipers to be done as job only. You need to post your calipers to us for prompt guaranteed restoration



Rear Disc Caliper Repair Kit 38mm Diam

Rear Disc Caliper Repair Kit 38mm DiamAlfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976


Alfa Romeo GTV 1300 1750 2000 Front Disc Brake Pad Set

Alfa Romeo GTV 1968 - 1976 Front Disc Brake Pad Set

Front Disc Brake PadAlfa Romeo GTV 1300 Junior 1968 to1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 1750 1968 to 1976Alfa Romeo GTV 2000 1972 to 1976 All Years 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976


Showing 1–15 of 20 results
