Power Brakes SA Pty Ltd


Ford Fairlane ZJ 1979 1980 1981 1982
We have endeavoured to list as many items as we can, however we keep many more items than we are able to list on our web shop. If you can't find the information you need Send an email with model details and what infomation you can and we will reply to any enquiry.

Showing 3 products

Ford Fairlane Front PBR Disc Caliper Assembly 60mm Diam

Front PBR Disc Caliper Assembly 60mm Diam. Calipers to be done as job only. You need to post your calipers to us for prompt guaranteed restoration.

Front PBR Disc Caliper Assembly 60mm DiamFord Fairlane ZD1970 to 1971 Ford Fairlane ZF 1972 to1973 Disc/DrumFord Fairlane ZH 1976 1977 1978 Ford Fairlane ZK 1982 1983 1984Please Note: Calipers to be done as job only. You need to post your calipers to us for prompt guaranteed restoration.


Ford Falcon X Series Front Left Flexible Rubber Brake Hose 328m

Front Left Flexible Rubber Brake Hose 328mm Disc Brake Front

Front LH Disc Brake HoseTo SuitFORD FALCON XW 1969 1970FORD FALCON XY 1970 1971 1972FORD FALCON XA 1972 1973FORD FALCON XB 1973 1974 1975 1976FORD FALCON XC 1976 1977 1978 1979FORD FAIRLANE ZC 1969 1970FORD FAIRLANE ZD 1970 1971 1972FORD FAIRLANE ZF 1972 1973FORD FAIRLANE ZG 1973 1974 1975 1976FORD FAIRLANE ZH 1976 1977 1978FORD FAIRLANE ZJ 1979 1980 1981 1982FORD FAIRLANE ZK 1982 1983 1984Manufactured on site with new zinc plated ends.


Ford Falcon X series RH Front Brake Hose 328mm

Front Right Flexible Rubber Brake Hose 328mm

Front RH Disc Brake HoseTo SuitFORD FALCON XW 1969 1970FORD FALCON XY 1970 1971 1972FORD FALCON XA 1972 1973FORD FALCON XB 1973 1974 1975 1976FORD FALCON XC 1976 1977 1978 1979FORD FAIRLANE ZC 1969 1970FORD FAIRLANE ZD 1970 1971 1972FORD FAIRLANE ZF 1972 1973FORD FAIRLANE ZG 1973 1974 1975 1976FORD FAIRLANE ZH 1976 1977 1978FORD FAIRLANE ZJ 1979 1980 1981 1982FORD FAIRLANE ZK 1982 1983 1984Manufactured on site with new zinc plated ends.


Showing 1–3 of 3 results
